
Showing posts from November, 2022

Malaysian Automotive Industry Design-an-Automobile Contest (1995)

In July 1995, there was this Malaysian Automotive Industry Exhibit here in Manila, and there was this contest about the topic " Design-an-Automobile "... Proton, the Malaysian car manufacturer, was one of the sponsors, and in this contest, one of their main criteria was the car has to be manufaturable, in line with the company's capability...  At the time I was working at the local vehicle manufacturer/assembler of Hino Motors, which is a subsidiadiary of Toyota Motors in Japan. For my entry, I designed some sports sedan, a "budget" BMW if you will... It did't win, but my entry did make the mall display as one of the finalist, and below was my "prize", a certificate (shown below)...  I wanted to retrieve my drawings, but was not allowed... so unfortunately, I cannot show here how my car design looks like...  strangely, the winning entry was an  exotic  car, one that would be called " hypercar " these days... 

DoST Science Scholars Incoming College Freshmen 1986

 First time I was in a newspaper... 3rd column, 8th row....