
Showing posts from July, 2024

Excel file for Computing Property (land) Area, and Drawing the Map

Several years ago, I started to track down all the properties of my mother in the province... All I needed are the coordinates, which usually can be found either in the TCT or in Lot Data from the Bureau of Lands...  Being on the 'road' I do not have the time nor the equipment to draw the property limits, so I had to make an excel file capable of such... using Mathematics , I was able to make a program... below is an example of an unknown lot, but with coordinates, I was able to draw its shape and compute for the land area... All I have to do now is look for it within the area... and in this case, it was pretty easy to find it!

Pneumatic Anthropomorphic Robot Arm

During my College days at De La Salle Unviersity, our thesis was called a Pneumatic Anthropomorphic Robot Arm.  By the name it is diven by Pneumatic (Air) power, and Anthropomorphic because it has a "human-like" characteristic.  It is an early (late 1980s) robot arm, and to think 35 years later, it is still quite 'relevant'.  Below images were from a 3D model I rendered as years later I became a Design Engineer by profession... There are 4 Pneumatic cylinders in all, the 4th one being underneath the Base... that one is controller the end effector or the "hand" of the robot arm... Having 4 pneumatic cylinders allow it to have 4 degrees of freedom.  A 5th movement, to allow the arm to rotate on its base, was originally planned but the cost of building it was getting too much for us College students...